Divination tools tarot cards candles intuition charm casting Crystals Oracle cards

Divination Practices to Strengthen Your Intuition

Divination is a magical practice that has been used for thousands of years. It’s the art of using objects and symbols to help channel and interpret messages from the divine. There are many practices that fall under the umbrella of divination, and we are just going to touch upon a few of the most popular. Before you begin any divinatory practice, we recommend cleansing your space to clear any stagnant energy. Whenever you’re ready, grab a cup of herbal tea, and let’s begin our journey.

Casting Charms

Charm Casting Kit available at Goddess Provisions

Casting charms can be a very personalized practice, especially if you create your own kit. If creating your own isn't an option, try using our Goddess Provisions charm casting kit! To make a kit, you can begin by picking any number of charms you want, whether that’s five or 25. Using a larger number of charms will allow for more detailed throws. These charms can be stones, shells, beads, crystals, small trinkets, whatever you feel called to. When you have selected your charms, cleanse them with your favorite burning bundle or incense, and assign meanings to them. Here are a few examples that you may want to include:

  • Yourself
  • Home/Family
  • Love
  • Relationships
  • Friendships
  • Energetic Block

Make sure that you record what each charm means, so you don’t forget during your throw! When you are ready, lay out a mat or scarf. The inner circle of your mat represents yourself and anything immediate occurring in your life. The outer part of the mat represents something that is just beyond the horizon and hasn’t arrived yet. If a charm falls off the mat, then the Universe has your back with whatever that charm means! Before you throw, hold your charms and channel your intention. When you are ready, gently “throw” the charms and take note of how and where they fall. Charms next to each other indicate a relationship between the two, while a charm interfering with another may indicate a blockage. Follow your intuition and see what you can discover.


Crystals can act as an ally during your divination practices, as they have spiritual properties to help you channel messages and tap into your intuition. There are so many stones to choose from, so take your time, learn more about their properties, and choose the specific ones you feel energetically pulled to. Any crystal that you feel is beneficial to your practice can help, but here are a few of our favorite intuitive stones to help you get started:

  • Amethyst - calming, psychically activating
  • Auralite - connection with guides & Highest Self
  • Clear Quartz - Master Healer, helps to amplify additional stones
  • Labradorite - protection, helps to engage with the Third Eye
  • Lapis Lazuli - increase awareness, open the mind’s eye
  • Lemurian Quartz - access to ancient wisdom
  • Lepidolite - peace, emotional healing
  • Moonstone - clarity, growth
  • Sodalite - harmony, strengthens intuition


Pendulums can be used to help you determine “yes” or “no” questions. When you use a pendulum, they will often swing front to back, side to side, and in a circle. A pendulum board can help show the pendulum which direction to swing in, but you also have the option of charging the crystal yourself. First, begin by finding a crystal that you feel called to. Pendulums come in a variety of stones, so if you are looking to invite self-love into your life, for example, a Rose Quartz pendulum may be the way to go. Once you have found your perfect pendulum, cleanse it with smoke, sunlight, or moonlight to clear any energy from previous handlers. After it is cleansed, hold the end of the pendulum in your hand and allow it to steady. Ask the pendulum to show you what “yes” looks like, and notice how it swings. You can follow that same process with “no” and “unsure/maybe.” In some cases, the Universe may not be ready to reveal information to you just yet, so the pendulum may swing to state that uncertainty.

Reading Cards

Reading tarot or oracle cards can look different for every practitioner. When you are beginning to read cards, first find a deck that resonates with you and that you understand. Each artist will have their own interpretation of tarot, so take some time to find the right deck (and yes, you can buy it for yourself!). Once you have found the deck of your choice, cleanse it with your favorite incense or burning bundle, and take some time to connect with it. This could look like holding the deck in meditation or pulling an interview spread to learn what the deck is going to help you with. After you’ve connected with your deck, you can do daily pulls, card spreads for the Full & New Moons, or spreads for whenever you feel like you have a divine message that is trying to come through. Use your cards in a way that assists your practice the best.


Tasseomancy is the art of reading tea leaves, incorporating plant magic and the ritual intention of brewing a cup of herbal tea. Tea leaf readings can be done in any mug or teacup, but it may be helpful to use a teacup specifically designed for readings if you are just starting. Teacups like these are often created with additional designs, symbols, and meanings to help you begin to interpret the positions and shapes that the tea leaves may take. To practice tasseomancy, you’ll need to begin by bringing water to a boil and picking out the herbs you would like to use in your tea. When your water is ready, use one to two teaspoons of your herbal mixture and drop it into the cup. The leaves will need to be floating freely, so they will steep as is. As the water cools, sip with intention and leave just a dash of water with the leaves. Using a saucer, flip your cup upside down to allow the leaves to move. Then, flip upright and take note of where the tea leaves have fallen. Observe their shapes and if they’ve fallen on or near any symbol in your cup. You can read more about tasseomancy here.

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