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Beyond Lemuria Oracle Cards at Goddess Provisions
Beyond Lemuria Oracle Cards at Goddess Provisions
Beyond Lemuria Oracle Cards at Goddess Provisions
Beyond Lemuria Oracle Cards at Goddess Provisions
Beyond Lemuria Oracle Cards at Goddess Provisions
Regular price Sale price
$23.55   $20.78

Beyond Lemuria Pocket Edition Oracle Deck Cards by Izzy Ivy

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Transform shadow into light, embrace duality, and inspire heaven on earth through practical and enlightening insight from Lemuria. Recall the past and glimpse the future. Expand your conscious awareness and behold the wonders of the majestic world.

This stunning deck from artist and author Izzy Ivy is infused with loving guidance, knowledge, and encoded symbols to enliven the truth in you. Fusing childlike innocence with strong, all-knowing characters, Izzy Ivy combines art with the spirit that dances within her. Every image is seeded with subtle symbolism for collective dreaming and keys to deeper recall.

Meet the Lemurians, connect with their energy and work with them to reclaim wholeness and step into your light. It’s time for the remembering… it’s time to go Beyond Lemuria.


  • Box measures 3" x 4" x 1"
  • 56 cards with detailed information on each

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