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Celebrating Ostara & the Coming of Spring

You’re emerging from your winter slumber and beginning to feel renewed and motivated to create new beginnings! Have you ever noticed that this burst of renewal is a reflection of the earth’s changing seasons? Once you discover the symbolism of this time on the wheel of the year, you will treasure your everlasting connection to the earth.

2 years ago

Celebrating Ostara & the Coming of Spring

2 years ago

In this post, we’ll share the gentle beauty of the Pagan Sabbat Ostara and how to welcome the Spring season by honoring the symbolism of this time on the wheel of the year. This is a powerful time to ground yourself with the earth, celebrate the release of the winter, and recognize that the inner work you’ve been doing is beginning to manifest in your physical life. 

Photo Credit to Anna Perzel @forgetmenot.flowerfarm
At last, Spring is upon us! With the arrival of Spring comes the celebration of Ostara. This traditional Pagan Sabbat aligns with the Spring Equinox between March 20-21 and celebrates the rebirth of the earth. This rebirth is mirrored within ourselves as we also begin to emerge from the dark and cold days of winter. As life is returned to the earth, there is a synchronistic renewal of our own spirit.

During Ostara, we can honor themes of creativity, new beginnings, renewal, and fertility. Historically, Ostara is named after Eostre, the Germanic Goddess of Dawn. The Goddess Eostre also inspired the naming of Easter and the hormone Estrogen, both of which represent rebirth and fertility.
The tender beauty of Ostara can be seen all around us. The sun returns with longer days, and fertility is being renewed with blooming flowers and baby animals. Our trees are turning green, and we are preparing our gardens for the upcoming harvest seasons. The joyful celebration of Ostara honors this bountiful time on the wheel and shows us how our own journeys are reflected within the seasons of nature. We may choose to partake in this celebration by engaging with some of the symbols of Ostara. For example, we might use these symbols to create an altar or decorate our homes. Here is a list of Ostara inspirations:
  • Colors: Green, Pink, Blue, Yellow
  • Herbs, Flowers, and Trees: Thyme, Lemon Balm, Mint, Jasmine, Snowdrops, Daffodils, Tulips, Lily, Crocus, Birch, Alder, Willow, Ash
  • Crystals: Calcite, Jasper, Lapis Lazuli, Fluorite, Aquamarine, Rose Quartz, Sapphire, Rhodochrosite, Citrine, Amber
  • Symbols: Plants, spring flowers, eggs, hares and rabbits, candles
  • Traditions: Earth magic, gardening, candle magic, egg magic, giving birth to new ideas and projects, new beginnings

The Ostara Full Moon

As the earth begins to bloom and fertility and life are returned to our lands, the full moon illuminates our own manifestations that are also coming to fruition. All of the inner work we did during the darker months of winter is starting to reveal itself within our physical realities just as the earth is starting to bloom again.

The purifying characteristic of this Full Moon paired with the symbolism of Ostara is offering us a powerful reminder to ground ourselves. Grounding ourselves during this time can prepare us to integrate our manifestations that are beginning to blossom. Here are five ways to ground yourself during the Ostara Full Moon season:

  1. Forest Bathing: Spend quality time with trees and connect with their wisdom and strength.
  2. Earthing: Walk barefoot on the earth, garden with your bare hands, or do an earthing visualization.
  3. Earth Magic: Work with the earth spirits to support your growing manifestations.
  4. Connect with your Indoor Plants: Develop a relationship with your house plants and connect with their energy.
  5. Find Stillness: Detach from electronics, sit with yourself, meditate, and connect with your physical body. 

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