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Goddess Blog

How to Make a Doorway Charm

Creating charms for yourself or your home is a simple way to personalize your magic and your sacred space. Doorway charms are especially powerful as they act as a reminder to stay present and grounded every time we pass through a particular threshold within our home.

A year ago

How to Make a Doorway Charm

A year ago

Magical charms are an easy and effective way to bring intentional energy into your life. A charm can be made using any type of object and imbuing it with your intention. Typically, a charm is used to invoke positive energy and can be something you wear, keep with you, or place in your home.

How to Make a Doorway Charm

We’ve created a magical doorway charm using our yin yang wall hanger! The yin yang symbol represents the balance of light and dark, and masculine and feminine energies. The yin yang symbol reminds us to connect with this balance within ourselves. Using this symbol in a doorway charm can further bring this balance and energy into your sacred space. 

Creating a Balancing Doorway Charm

What You’ll Need

  • Yin Yang Wall Hanger 
  • White Plate
  • Whole Cloves
  • Dried Hibiscus
  • Dried Damiana Leaf
  • Anointing Oil
  • Cinnamon Stick
  • Chrysoprase
  • Red Tiger’s Eye
  • Clear Quartz
  • Carnelian
  • Black Tourmaline
  • A Sigil or Symbol Meaningful to You

How to Create your Charm 

For this charm, we’re going to be charging our yin yang door hanger with all our magical ingredients. The white plate symbolizes stability and brings that significance into our charm. The herbs and crystals remove energetic blocks at our root chakra and support us in grounding our energy. Feel free to switch out any ingredients!

First, place your whole cloves in an open circle on your white plate. Then, put your dried hibiscus flowers in the center of that circle. Sprinkle the damiana leaf around the rest of the plate. 

How to Make a Doorway Charm

Next, take a cinnamon stick and dip it in an anointing oil. The cinnamon stick is like your pencil or your wand! With that coated cinnamon stick, draw an intentional sigil on the back of your yin yang wall hanging charm. Alternatively, you could use any type of symbol that has meaning to you such as a Celtic rune.

How to Make a Doorway Charm

Now, we’re going to create a crystal grid on our plate. Place your chrysoprase, red tiger’s eye, carnelian, clear quartz, and black tourmaline in a circular pattern on your plate. You can design your own grid!

*Pro tip: We recommend that any crystal points are facing inward so that the energy is directed towards your charm.

How to Make a Doorway Charm

Place your yin yang hanger on top of your plate and let it charge overnight. The next day, intuitively select a doorway to hang it in.

How to Make a Doorway Charm

How to Use your Doorway Charm

As you move through your doorway or look in that direction, pause for a moment with your eyes closed. Focus on your breath and on the feeling of your feet connecting to the floor (and earth) below you. Meditate on this feeling of connectedness and balance.

Each time you pass through the doorway and notice your charm, take a deep breath and feel your feet on the floor as you progress. Know that you are grounded and allow this stability to help balance you out from whatever the day throws at you.

Every few days, use our clearing spray by Balipura to cleanse the energy of your doorway charm! 

How to Make a Doorway Charm

Check out our reel demonstrating the making of this doorway charm!